Cosmetic Surgery FAQs | Recovery Time | Nu Cosmetic Clinic
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Cosmetic Surgery FAQ: Answers to Common Questions About Recovery

Last Updated On: February 3, 2024 | Published On: September 26, 2014

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Making the decision to undergo cosmetic surgery isn’t something you want to rush. Although there are many procedures that are now less invasive and safer than ever, that doesn’t mean you should dive into one without the right amount of preparation. Not only do you need to think about the choice and discuss it with a qualified surgeon, but you also need to choose the right time to undergo it.

One of the biggest factors that will influence when you should have the procedure you’re thinking about is how long it will take to recover from it. Since you probably have everything from work to taking care of your family to think about it, knowing how long you’ll be out of commission is very helpful.

Specifically, it’s very useful to know how long it will take before you can do certain activities again. For example, just because you may only need to fully focus on recovery for a few days doesn’t mean you can jump right back into an activity like going to the gym.

Since there are a variety of different activities to consider, as well as various timelines that depend on the exact procedure, we’ve compiled a helpful recovery summary for three of our most popular cosmetic surgeries:

Breast Implants

If you decide to enlarge your breasts, it’s best to avoid driving for the first 1 to 2 weeks. And while it’s great if you can wait longer or have someone else drive you for an extended period, your surgeon should give you full clearance when you go to your first post-op checkup. For flying abroad, wait at least 2 weeks for a short flight and 4 weeks for a longer one. Keep in mind that during the first 6 weeks of your recovery, you’ll need to wear a sports bra. And while you need to wait 6 weeks before going back to the gym, not only will you want to take it easy at first, but you’ll also want to wear a really good sports bra.

Last but not least is how long you need to wait after the surgery to have sex. Since both you and your partner are probably going to be very excited after your new breasts, every day you have to wait may seem like an eternity. In a perfect world, patients would wait 6 weeks. But because that can be so hard, the minimum to wait is 2 weeks. The reason that rule is so important is because you don’t want to increase your blood pressure and the subsequent risk of bleeding. So while 2 weeks is the minimum, be sure to still take it easy for the next 4 after that to prevent excessive movement which could lead to damage.

VASER Liposuction and Rhinoplasty

Wait 48 hours after your VASER procedure to shower. You’ll then need to wear your 4D vest for a full 2 weeks. Your garment should be worn for 4-6 weeks post op, and you should wait the same amount of time before returning to the gym.

For a rhinoplasty, you’ll need to wear your splint for 1 to 2 weeks post op. It’s important to wait at least 2 weeks before wearing glasses. Avoid heavy lifting or contact sports for 6 to 12 months, and avoid being in direct sunlight for extended periods for 3 to 6 months after your procedure.

If you have any additional questions about recovery times or what to expect after your procedure, don’t feel shy about asking your surgeon during your consultation.

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