While the exact age is different for everyone, we all reach a point where we wish we could look like we did anywhere from five to fifteen years ago. And even though it’s not yet possible to go back in time, it is possible to take years off of your appearance.
On the scale of medical disciplines, plastic surgery is still a fairly new field. What’s exciting about that is there are ongoing improvements to the way procedures are done. This is especially true with facelifts. When many people think of this procedure, they think of an operation that provides results but requires a lot of surgery and recovery time.
It’s true that this type of facelift still exists and may be the right option for some individuals. But for those who want to look younger but don’t want to undergo a significant surgery, there are some very exciting alternatives to consider.
If you want your face to have a more youthful appearance but don’t feel comfortable with major surgery, here are four alternative procedures to consider:
This treatment can be completed in less than thirty minutes, and the results will last for around 18 months. The areas targeted by an 8 point lift are the jawline, cheek hollows, pre-jowl area, corners of the lips, nasolabial folds, mid-face, tear trough and cheek structure. This lift is done by using dermal fillers in all of those areas. While fillers can be used in individual locations, this approach provides a comprehensive lifting solution.
This procedure takes less than an hour, and the results will also last for about 18 months. A threadlift can be used on the neck, eyebrows, cheeks or lower jaw. Unlike a traditional one the latest and advanced facelift procedure works by using tiny biodegradable sutures fitted with bi-directional cones. It’s worth noting that even though the sutures will dissolve within 12 to 18 months, your appearance can continue to be enhanced even after they’re gone.
Depending on the size of the area, this procedure will take at least 45 minutes. The results last for several years, and most of the decolletage, neck and facial areas can be targeted. This procedure is ideal for anyone who wants the most natural results possible.
This procedure usually takes about 90 minutes. It can be done to most areas of the face, and the results will last for several years. Because this process can be completed with VASER liposuction, both pain and downtime are minimized.
Interested in one or more of the above procedures but not sure if it’s the right choice for the look you want to get? The best way to find out which procedure is best for your specific goals is to meet with a qualified medical professional. By scheduling a consultation, you’ll get a chance to discuss what you want to change about your face with someone who does these types of procedures every week. That will give you a chance to get answers to all the questions you have, as well as decide if you want to move forward with this type of procedure.
Nu Cosmetic Clinic services are now available through Manchester Private Hospital. Click here or Use the form below to submit your request seamlessly.