Men are as much worried about their looks as female and rightfully they should be. Growing awareness and acceptability among male that they also need to look after themselves have increased request for Liposuction, Vaser Liposuction, Eye-bag removal and hair transplant. The Surgeons that Nu Cosmetic Clinic refer you to have seen increased popularity among male clients for Gynecomastia (moobs) with vaser liposuction/liposculpture combined with other procedure.
Men are also accepting that being bald and losing or thinning hair is not genetically or limited to male domain only. Recent celebrities’ acceptance in media has raised awareness about hair transplant procedure. The Surgeons that Nu Cosmetic Clinic refer you to are offering both FUE & FUT hair transplant procedure including beard and moustache hair transplant.
The surgeons Nu Cosmetic Clinic refer you to are highly experienced in male cosmetic & plastic surgery and are registered with GMC. We encourage all our clients to meet and discuss all the expectations and concerns with the surgeons so that a personalised package can be created.
If you are unhappy with some of the features and want to regain that masculine image, Nu Cosmetic Clinic recommends that you attend a consultation with one of the surgeons we refer you to across various locations in the UK. This will help you to understand all the associated risks and complications and desired expectations and we recommend that the decision to have any surgery is taken carefully.
Liposculpture is one of a range of fat removal procedures designed to remove unwanted localized fat deposits. These procedures are popular in men to achieve a muscular and toned body.
A tummy tuck procedure, as it is commonly known, aims to flatten a protruding stomach, at the same time tightening excess abdominal skin.
Facial implants in the chin, cheek or jaw using the very latest technology can change the shape and overall proportion of the face, resulting in a much enhanced and pleasing appearance.
Nose correction involves a surgical procedure to reshape cartilage and bones within the nose to change its appearance by reducing size, changing the shape or removing crookedness. It can drastically alter your appearance.
Ear correction surgery can correct prominent ears as well as enlarged or deformed ear lobes and can be performed on adolescents as well as adults. Treatment does not require an overnight stay.
Excess skin under the eye can create the appearance of eyebags, which in turn give a look of permanent tiredness. Surgery can get rid of this excess skin and also loose skin on the upper eyelid.
A face lift will see the tightening and lifting the skin around the neck, chin, cheeks and eyes in order to achieve a longer lasting and wrinkle-free result.
GMC Registered Surgeons
4000+ Happy Patients
Flexible Finance Options
CQC Registered Private Hospital
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